如今各类的智能家电层出不穷,插座要是预留不到位,无论你的装修是什么风格,后期会导致插座拖得到处都是,既难看又不方便,也可能会令你新买的智能家电用不上! 因此,小编特地整理了17个最容易被遗忘的插座(分为上、下集),大家一定要收藏起来,避免到时候找不到就后悔莫及了! 阳台两侧...
At How 2 Design, we build houses for family. We believe homes are meant to be the shelter for family.
We started as a professional team specializing in retail commercial, offices, Fnb and condo management maintenance and A&A works. Over the years we have accumulated strong portfolio to support our clients with wide range of solutions.
We are experience in Residential projects, supported by our experienced Interior designers and professional in-house teams, all dedicated to serve the best solutions to our clients.