1.乔迁时间早上八点-12点 寓意:开财门,大吉大利 2.入住前在柜子里放柴 寓意:柴通财,进门先进财 3.买新的扫把簸箕 寓意:扫走晦气,除旧迎新 4.乔迁当天带梯子进门 寓意:生活步步高升 5.屋里摆上鲜花和甘蔗 寓意:花开富贵,甜甜蜜蜜 Looking for...
At How 2 Design, we build houses for family. We believe homes are meant to be the shelter for family.
We started as a professional team specializing in retail commercial, offices, Fnb and condo management maintenance and A&A works. Over the years we have accumulated strong portfolio to support our clients with wide range of solutions.
We are experience in Residential projects, supported by our experienced Interior designers and professional in-house teams, all dedicated to serve the best solutions to our clients.