关于神台的禁忌,主要来自于对神明的敬愄;希望神明能守护家里, 自然要给予相对的尊重,否则便是亵渎神明,反而会影响家运。 以 下有几点原则需要注意: 1.香炉论财库 香炉被认为是金库,若是香炉摆正就表示赚钱容易。炉中香灰要松,俗谓赚钱轻松。香灰若多...
At How 2 Design, we build houses for family. We believe homes are meant to be the shelter for family.
We started as a professional team specializing in retail commercial, offices, Fnb and condo management maintenance and A&A works. Over the years we have accumulated strong portfolio to support our clients with wide range of solutions.
We are experience in Residential projects, supported by our experienced Interior designers and professional in-house teams, all dedicated to serve the best solutions to our clients.